Terms & Conditions

appointment changes

We request 1 business days notice for changes to scheduled appointments.

This allows us enough time to give your appointment to another patient who would be most appreciative to see us sooner.

Appointment changes made with less than 1 business days notice will attract a $100 administration fee*

* If you are genuinely ill and have a medical certificate we'll happily waive the cancellation fees.



Payments are required at the time of the appointment.

We have HICAPS for immediate co-payments by participating Health Funds. Please check with your health fund prior to booking an appointment with us to find out your own level of rebates, as we're unable to give you this information ourselves.

We accept all major credit cards. Credit cards may attract a small surcharge. 

We accept Veteran Affairs and the Child Dental Benefits Scheme co-payments via Medicare. Please advise our receptionist at the time of booking so the appropriate paperwork can be completed prior to your visit with us.


cost estimates

We're very happy to provide you with cost estimates for any treatment we plan for you.


your wellbeing is our priority

If we believe you are intoxicated in a way that could affect your treatment by us, or we believe that you are not well enough to have the planned treatment with us, for example overly high or low blood pressure or blood sugar level, or for any other reason we deem relevant, we reserve the right to cancel your appointment or change the planned treatment for the visit. Any remaining work will be rescheduled to a future appointment when you have your doctor's medical clearance for dental treatment.