dental needs change across different stages of life

Regular visits to the dentist are important at every stage of life


We recommend visits start with a "ride on the chair" as a toddler to familiarise a little one with the dental environment. It can be helpful to have them watch older siblings or parents have their check-ups (unless those they are watching are themselves anxious).

Preventive dental treatments for kids are extremely important from the day they have teeth in their mouth. During the major growth years from 5-13, when the new permanent teeth are coming through, we recommend visiting the dentist twice per year.


We help with maintenance and monitoring throughout the rest of the school years, especially while your teens have braces or are doing contact sports. We recommend twice-yearly visits in this age group.

Young adults

The early adult years often feature dealing with wisdom teeth and emphasising good lifestyle habits to maintain oral wellbeing.

preparing for parenthood

Couples trying to start a family are encouraged to have any dental work completed ideally 3-6 months before falling pregnant to minimise the risk of any dental complications during pregnancy.

Or course most dental procedures can be safely carried out during pregnancy. At Annandale Village Dentistry we use the DIAGNOcam to look deep into your teeth without the use of Xrays.

middle age

Medications, the passage of time and the process of ageing mean the mouth and teeth need regular observation to pick up and address any problems such as cracking teeth, gum irregularities (periodontitis) or dry mouth (xerostomia), before significant irreversible and sometimes costly damage occurs.

mature age

Close monitoring and management of oral wellbeing becomes increasingly important for you as you grow older, when you may have a dramatically reduced ability to maintain your oral health yourself. There are many useful products and strategies we can implement to help you.